Monday, January 23, 2012

Life is About Accepting and Respecting Kid's Freedom Too

My kid and I are inseparable since the day she was born. I chose to be a stay at home mom ever since. So yeah, we are very close. Really... Because of that, I am used to doing things for her and that is of course when she was small I was her slave because she can't do things on her own yet. Growing up, she learns to become independent little by little. Well because I taught (and still teaching her) her how to be like that. But there were times, I still want to do things for her. I just feel like I want to make things easier for her. 

But in the long run, doing things for her would make her fully dependent and I know its not fine. I have thought what if something bad happens to me, what will be her case if ever... So, everyday I encourage my little girl to do  things on her own as long as she's able to do it. 

Like taking a bath. It was only these days when I really let her do it by herself. And she's so happy!

Letting her choose what to wear. Yes, I do let her now to wear whatever she wants. Including those outfits she has when going out. She has plenty of it and I think its just wise to let her use them for as long as it fits her.

 Letting her just as she is. She loves to make faces, she really had fun doing it every time. She's happy and she makes me happy too with it.Although sometimes she overdo it. haha!

Its painful to feel and see that she doesn't need me that much anymore, unlike the days when she would call my name because she needs me. Now, she's slowly slipping away from my grip. And that's OK because in the end she really has to live on her own.

Oh well, life is about letting other's embrace their own life....


  1. Good advice, and I completely agree. It is so hard to let your child be independent and figure things out on their own, but it is best for them in the long run. You sure to do have a little sweetie! Thanks so much for sharing at "Life as this Mommy knows It"!

  2. Your post is being featured at this month's "Life is About..." blog hop! I'd love to invite you to link up again (as many times as you want!!) :)



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